Friday, September 3, 2010

Sabah Ilxer!

Alright, now that I’ve been here for a total of three days, I’m feeling like quite the savvy traveler. I already know how to say good morning in Hebrew, politely decline an Olive Wood carving, and enjoy the simple pleasure of not knowing the contents of a stuffed pepper. Yesterday, we toured Jerusalem. We first spent a few hours in the Old City. They warned us about some of the risks of being Americans (assault, being robbed, looking stupid), so we were all emotionally prepared to be a little harassed by the locals. Apart from being incredible sneaky, they are also incredible charming. With pick-up lines like, “you have beautiful blue eyes” and “your hair looks very soft”, it was difficult to resist, but I think I’ll make it home without an Arab husband.

For the last two days, I’ve woken up at 4 in the morning. 30% because of jetlag and 70% because of the megaphone outside of our window that plays the call to prayer. Everything here is beautiful. I mean, no picture I’ve seen of Jerusalem has done it any justice. Especially with Ramadan ending this week, by sundown, the city is glowing with strings of lights and the sound of people celebrating in the streets is captivating. So far, I’ve eaten every meal and done all my reading assignments outside looking over the city. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of looking out and seeing golden domes, limestone arches, the bustle of people, and brightly colored linens hanging over every balcony. I want to live here forever. Ilhamdulilah!


  1. I'm so happy that you're loving it out there! This sounds like such a unique experience. Enjoy it, lady! Have some hummus for me!

  2. Shalom! What a splendid beginning to your four months in Israel.

    When I visited the Jerusalem Center I could hardly believe the breathtaking views of he city. It was like traveling back in time as I stood there.

    Walk in peace.

  3. Thank you to all my followers. Next year in Jerusalem!

  4. You painted an incredible picture of the "feel" of Jerusalem. There are so many words to describe it, and yet none seem to do it complete justice. It's something you have to experience (or read about on 3CoT)!

    Thanks for blogging--I can't wait to read everything you post!

  5. The ladies of the Witt family are bomb. I just miss you guys so much.
