Friday, October 29, 2010

Just another Shabbat

We took a taxi to a synagogue and went to a service. Lots of singing and clapping. It was one of my favorite things ever. Plus, I went with awesome people...who are all normally very photogenic.


  1. You cut your hair? You look beautiful as always.

    Glad you had such a fabulous experience in the synagogue. You will never be the same. I remember when I went to a synagogue in California for my World Religion class at Chapman. Completely amazing. Made me think deeply about the history we share with Judah.

  2. you were right - it WAS a blog worthy picture. haha. love it.

  3. I went and got new glasses that looks just like yours! We can take twinner pictures when you're home. Glad you had a good experience at a different church!

  4. Tess! You're so cute!!! Not that looks are everything...(but you're sooo cute!!) Glad you're having fun! :)
